• 10th Friends of Hungary Conference

    The Friends of Hungary Foundation, publisher of the Hungary Today and Ungarn Heute news portals, held its 10-year anniversary conference in Budapest.

    2024-05-27 More
  • 9th Friends of Hungary Foundation Conference

    Report on the 9th annual conference of the Friends of Hungary Foundation.

    2023-09-19 More
  • History of the Hungarian Corvin Chain

    The Hungarian Corvin Chain is the second highest state award in Hungary after the Order of St. Stephen. A book has been published on the story of the award.

    2023-05-08 More
  • The Golden Bull, the Foundation of Hungary’s Constitutionalism

    The Friends of Hungary Foundation (MOBA) organized a conference entitled “Decretum of our Hungarianness – our civilizational heritage”.

    2023-04-25 More
  • Sándor Petőfi: National Song, translated by Ferenc Veszely, member of the Friends of Hungary Foundation

    Sándor Petőfi’s poem “National Song” was translated into English by the writer and translator Ferenc Veszely (Frank Veszely), a member of the Friends of Hungary Foundation.

    2023-03-16 More
  • New Book Remembers the Work and Times of Nuncio Angelo Rotta

    On Tuesday, the Friends of Hungary Foundation (Magyarország Barátai Alapítvány, MOBA) has presented their new book “From the political reports of Nuncio Angelo Rotta 1930-1939, 1938-1945”. The event was held in association with the Hungarian National Archives (MNL) in their headquarters in Buda Castle.

    2022-11-30 More
  • The American Hungarian Federation celebrates its 115. anniversary

    The American Hungarian Federation (AHF) celebrated its 115th anniversary on October 28 at the Embassy in Washington, DC.

    2022-11-08 More
  • Reading evening on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1956 Revolution

    On the occasion of the anniversary of the 1956 Revolution, our Foundation organized a commemorative event/reading evening on October 25. Kund Bándi, member of the Foundation and author of the book "Köd előttem 1956 Köd utánam", and his daughter Írisz Réka Bándi enriched the event with music and short stories and poems from the book.

    2022-11-04 More
  • Freedom Fighter Statue Dedicated at Atlanta’s Millennium Gate Park Honoring 1956 Hungarian Revolution

    On October 23, 2022, the Hungarian American Coalition (Coalition) dedicated the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue at Midtown Atlanta’s Millennium Gate Park to the Freedom Fighters of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. A crowd of 250, including 15 freedom fighters and their families witnessed the unveiling of the nine-foot statue, made of keyblue granite from Elberton, GA.

    2022-10-27 More
  • VIII. Friends of Hungary Foundation Conference

    Committed people from more than 20 countries, who want to and can do something for Hungary, are meeting at the VIII Conference of the Friends of Hungary Foundation this weekend in Budapest. The event was opened on Friday afternoon at Pesti Vigadó by the President of the Foundation, E. Sylvester Vizi.

    2022-09-20 More