Deed of Foundation

We, the founders of the Friends of Hungary Foundation, felt it necessary to establish an organization that informs the Friends of Hungary community in a value-committed, but impartial manner about the events and results concerning Hungary and the Hungarian people worldwide, monitors and documents the successful social, cultural, scientific and economic activities of Hungarian people around the world.

The Foundation aims to contribute to the worthy recognition of Hungary and Hungarian people in the eyes of the world.

The Founders shall agree in the following principles and values, and expect everyone to always act in this spirit in their Foundation-related activities, statements and organize the community “Friends of Hungary” according to these values:

The Friends of Hungary…

  • Support the strengthening of the European Hungary and aim in their everyday lives to protect it from the unrighteous offenses.
  • Encourage the prevailing Hungarian governments in their efforts towards the cultural unification of the nation.
  • Find it important to protect the rights of national minorities and guarantee the peaceful coexistence of nations.
  • Fight for the rights of minority communities and are against negative discrimination faced by any persons and groups due to their religious affiliation or ethnic origin.
  • Are proud of the courage of great figures in Hungarian history, and pay tribute to the struggles for the independence of the Hungarian people.
  • Do everything in their power so that present and future generations shall not forget sins of the 20th century against humanity, especially if those sins burden Hungarian people and state.
  • Are glad that Hungary is an independent and democratic state again, and its state autonomy was restored with the establishment of the first freely elected Parliament on May 2, 1990 – limited from March 19, 1944 first by the German, and then the Soviet occupation.
  • Believe in the value-creating power of cross-border national unity.

For the reasons above we have decided to establish the Friends of Hungary Foundation and have assigned one of our Founders, György Granasztói to carry out the registration.

The Founders of the Friends of Hungary Foundation:

  • Alexandre Lámfalussy (†), Central banker (Belgium)
  • Alfred Pasternak (†), Professor of gynaecology (USA)
  • Andreas Oplatka (†), Journalist (Switzerland)
  • Balázs Gulyás, Professor of Neurobiology (Sweden, Singapore)
  • E. Sylvester Vizi, Former Chairman of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
  • Éva Marton, Opera singer (Hungary)
  • George A. Oláh (), Nobel laureate in chemistry (USA)
  • György Granasztói  (), Historian (Hungary)
  • István Módy, Professor of Neurology (USA)
  • János B. Nagy, Professzor of chemistry, investor (Belgium)
  • Abel Lajtha, Professor of Neuroscience (USA)
  • Sir George Radda, Professor of Biochemistry (United Kingdom, Singapore)
  • William de Gelsey (†), Investment banker (United Kingdom)