• I completely agree with Lajos Kossuth, who said that “Count István Széchényi was the greatest Hungarian.”

    Baron William de Gelsey KCSG

    United Kingdom

  • The Foundation’s yearly conference provides an opportunity for learning new information, renewing old friendships, and making new ones

    Katalin Kádár Lynn

    United States of America

  • I have very fond memories of the meet-up that was arranged in January 2014

    Egon Kiss-Borlase


  • It’s time for Hungary to look beyond its own borders

    Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister


  • Hungary can be proud that it has friends such as these.

    János Áder, President


  • It is very important for all of us to be able to be proud of our Hungarian heritage.

    Zoltán Maros


  • I have been working hard to help create a positive, or at least realistic picture about Hungary abroad

    Elisabeth Hollósi Pasternak

    United States of America

  • What was most important for me, was that all the participants were equally enthusiastic and engaged

    János B. Nagy


  • It was a great joy for me to join the Friends of Hungary Foundation

    Esther Odescalchi Kando

    United States of America

  • It was a great honor for me, when in Canada I received an invitation to join the Friends of Hungary Foundation.

    John Miska


  • This is not a governmental, official group; this is an independent group that respects and supports our country, Hungary.

    Abel Lajtha

    United States of America

  • Borders change with history. At the same time, the world’s Hungarians have always been a great “Brain Power.”

    András Pellionisz

    United States of America

  • It was unequivocally clear to me, that Hungary deserved more.

    Christopher Long

    United Kingdom

  • We have been sorely lacking a community such as this.

    Stephan Radda


  • Thanks to the Friends of Hungary Foundation, I awoke to how good a feeling it is to belong to this large family, and to be proud of my Hungarian heritage.

    Richard Rittelmann
